Love chocolate? UK says it’s good for your heart!

Read this Daily Mail article on medical research and chocolate. “Eating a small amount of chocolate may decrease your risk of a serious type of irregular heartbeat, according to a new study. People who ate the sweet treat several times a week were less likely to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) – a common condition linked to increased risk of stroke.
Those who consumed two to six servings per week had a 20 percent reduced chance compared to those who ate it less than once a month.”
-Experts found a regular treat slashes our risk of abnormal heart rhythm by 20%
-Eating chocolate linked with atrial fibrillation – which is associated with stroke
-It contains flavanols which promote healthy blood vessel function, scientists say
-The findings are based on consuming the cocoa product two to six times a week

Read the full article by Claudia Tanner for MailOnline