October is Manufacturing Month

Calling all confectionery manufacturers and suppliers to reach out to students, faculty and job seekers in your community with the invitation to tour your facility in October! Showcase your company’s modern technology and career opportunities.

Confectionery Foundation Vice Chairman, Anthony Trani describes the Bazooka Candy Brands Manufacturing Day event at the Ring Pop Plant in Scranton, PA last year. “We invited 20 students and teachers from the Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County.”

Trani continues, “I am pleased to report that the event went extremely well. The students were incredibly engaged, and our team did a great job of setting everything up, running tours, and having a Q&A session.” Student visitors left with some delicious samples and several soon-to-graduate students expressed interest in working in the plant. “This new relationship could be a great way to build a pipeline of talent for our plant.”

Tell your guests about our NextGen Program at Sweets & Snacks Expo which is a great way to see, and talk with, many creative, innovative manufacturing companies in our confectionery industry.

Plan to schedule a tour at your manufacturing facilities during October and email photos and recap to your local media and to The Confectionery Foundation

Manufacturing Day, nicknamed MFG Day, has become an annual American tradition. In 2018, 275,000 people participated in nearly 3,000 MFG Day events at manufacturing companies in a variety of industries across the USA. Learn more and get your MFG Day Toolkit

Celebrate American Manufacturing!