Final week for NextGen applications

Create happiness for your career? We do! Every day! Confectionery Foundation’s Next Generation Program application period ends April 23rd.
The NextGen program includes valuable networking, career fair, immersion into the culture of our industry.
Click to see the application

We encourage our student guests to read the following Harvard Business Review article by Tomas Chamorro-PremuzicBecky Frankiewicz:

“In a recent ManpowerGroup survey of 2,000 employers, over 50% of organizations listed problem-solving, collaboration, customer service, and communication as the most valued skills. Likewise, a recent report by Josh Bersin noted that employers today are as likely to select candidates for their adaptability, culture fit, and growth potential as for in-demand technical skills (e.g. python, analytics, cloud computing). Additionally, employers like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, have highlighted the importance of learnability — being curious and having a hungry mind — as a key indicator of career potential.”

Read the entire article. Learn all that you can!