Thank you to all of our great industry members for your support to advocate, inspire and strengthen.

Our Donors
The following companies and individuals support the work of The Confectionery Foundation. Companies marked with an asterisk* also donate time, expertise, education materials, and confections to our Sweets & Snacks Expo Next Generation Education Outreach and Mentor Guide programs.
A & B Process Systems | JMK |
A.M. Todd Company | JOH |
AAK USA, Inc | Johnson Associates, Inc.* |
Ackley Machine Corporation | Johnson, Holmes & Associates |
Adams & Brooks, Inc.* | Just Born, Inc.* |
ADM | Kahler-Senders Group/ISM |
Advantage Sales & Marketing | KC Confectionery Limited |
AFS Technologies | Kelsen, Inc. |
Albanese Confectionery Group, Inc. | Kendall Packaging Corporation |
All Food Equipment, LLC | Kimmie Candy Company |
Aloha State Brokerage, Inc. | King Henry’s, Inc. |
American Almond Products Co. | Koco, Inc. |
American Blanching Company | KoKo’s Confectionery & Novelty |
American Chocolate Mould Company | L.H. Sisitzky Sales, Inc. |
American Licorice Company | Lamontagne Chocolate, Inc. |
American Roland Food Corp. | Latini-Hohberger Dhimantec |
Amusemints LLC | LBM Sales, LLC |
Anastasia Confections, Inc. | Liberty Orchards Co. Inc. |
Annabelle Candy Company, Inc.* | Lindt & Sprungli (USA) Inc. |
Arcor USA, Inc. | Lucky Country, Inc. |
Armajaro Trading Inc. | Madelaine Chocolates* |
Astor Chocolate Corp. | Mane, Inc. |
Atkinson Candy Company* | Mantrose-Haeuser Co., Inc. |
Atkinson-Crawford Sales Co. Inc. | Manufacturing Confectioner Magazine* |
Bainbridge Associates, L.L.C. | Mars Wrigley Confectionery* |
Barricini Candy, A Bazzini Holdings | McJak Candy Company, LLC |
Barry Callebaut USA LLC* | Mederer USA/ E.Frutti |
Bazooka Candy Brands | Megatoys/P.C. Woo Inc. |
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. | Melville Candy Company* |
Belmark Inc. | Midway Displays, Inc. |
Belmont Partners Sales, LLC | Mobile Merchandisers, Inc. |
Bemis Performance Packaging | Molded Fiber Glass Tray Co. |
Blue Pacific Flavors | Mondelez International, Inc.* |
Bosch Packaging Technology, Inc. | Morley Candy Makers/Sanders Candy* |
Brockmann Chocolate Inc. | Mrs. May’s Naturals |
Brown & Haley* | MSRF Inc. |
Burdette Beckmann Inc. | Mueller Sports Medicine/Quench Gum |
C-P Flexible Packaging | Multipond America |
C. Howard Company, Inc. | Murnane Companies* |
Calico Cottage, Inc. | My Favorite Company, Inc. |
Candy Industry Magazine* | Nassau Candy Distributors, Inc. |
CandyRific LLC | Nestle USA |
Canel’s S.A. De C.V. | NID |
Capol LLC* | Nitta Gelatin NA Inc. |
Carle & Montanari – OPM USA | O’Connor & Co. LLC |
Cassata & Associates | O’Dea & Associates, Inc. |
Chefmaster | Original Gourmet Food Co. |
Chimes Gourmet / Roxy Trading Inc | OY PANDA AB |
Chris Candies, Inc. | Pacific Crest Sales & Marketing |
Cima Confections Corporation | Palmer Candy Company* |
L&D Graphics | Pearson Candy Company* |
Clear Bags | Perfetti Van Melle USA Inc.* |
Clombina Candy | Pez Candy, Inc. |
Color Ad Packaging Ltd. | Plastic Packaging Inc. |
Compass Marketing, Incorporated | Pop Rocks, Inc. |
Concord Foods – Oringer Div. | Praim Group |
Consolidated Sales Network | Premier Sales and Marketing |
Constantia Flexibles Sales, Inc | Primrose Candy Company* |
Consumer Products Innovation | Printpack, Inc. |
Cornfields, Inc | Professional Image, Inc.* |
Crosio & Associates | Pucker Powder / Creative Concepts |
CROSSMARK | Quality Candy Company LLC / King Leo |
Crystal Temptations, Inc. | Ritt-Beyer & Weir, Inc. |
Darrell Lea Confectionery Company | Roadtex Transportation |
Demet’s Candy* | Ross Upstate Sales & Marketing, Inc. |
Devine Sweets and Snacks, LLC | Rousselot Inc. |
Devon’s Chocolates | Royal Chocolates USA, Inc. |
Distribuidora De La Rosa S.A. | Sahagian & Associates, Inc.* |
Dongguan City JingLi Can Co. Ltd. | Savage Bros. Co. |
Dorval Trading Co., Ltd. | Sconza Candy Co. |
Doumak Inc.* | Scripture Candy, Inc. |
E.A. Berg Associates | Seattle Chocolates* |
East Coast Wholesale & Distribution | Sensient Colors, Inc. |
Egan Food Technologies | Setter Gmbh & Co., Papierverarbeitung |
Eilliens Candies Inc. | Seville Flexpack Corporation |
Elmer Chocolate* | Shankman & Associates, Inc. |
ESM/Ferolie | Sheila G Brands, LLC |
Euro American Brands LLC | Shenzhen Amos Sweets & Foods Co. |
Fannie May Confections Brands, Inc.* | Silesia Flavors, Inc. |
Ferrara Candy | Smarties Candy Co. |
Ferrara Pan Foundation* | Snak Club, Inc. |
Ferrero USA, Inc. | SNAP Infusion |
Fini Golosinas Espa�a, S.L.U. | Spangler Candy Company* |
Flava Puff | Specialty Products, Inc. |
FONA International, Inc. | Squire Boone Village, Inc. |
Food & Nutrient Impact LLC.* | Storck USA, L.P. |
Ford Gum & Machine Company, Inc. | Stribbons |
Friesinger’s Candies, a Division of Dayton Nut | SummitHill Sales & Marketing / ISM |
Fuji Vegetable Oil, Inc. | Sunflower Food Company Inc |
Galerie | Sweet Candy Company* |
Galloway Company | Sweet N Fun Ltd. |
Ganong Bros. Limited | SweetWorks, Inc. |
GEA CFS Weert BV | Synergy Flavors, Inc. |
General Converting Inc | Taffy Town, Inc. |
General Packaging Products Inc. | Taghleef Industries, Inc. |
Georgia Nut Company | Taylors Candy Inc. |
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates | Temkin International, Inc. |
Ghirardelli Chocolate Company | The Allan Candy Company Limited |
Gimbal’s Fine Candies* | The Blommer Chocolate Company* |
Givaudan Flavors Corp. | The Hershey Company* |
Global Essence Inc. | The Madelaine Chocolate Company* |
GMV Chocolates/DBA Jelina Chocolatier | The Nutty Bavarian |
Goetze’s Candy Company, Inc.* | The Performance Group/ISM |
Golden Gate Marketing | The RevereGroup* |
Golick Martins, Inc. | The South Bend Chocolate Co. |
Goo Goo Cluster LLC | Three Rivers Confections LLC |
Guittard Chocolate Company* | TNA North America, Inc. |
Gurley’s Foods | Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. |
Guylian USA Inc | Trade Fixtures |
Hammond’s Candies Since 1920 / American Candy Company | Treofan America, LLC |
Hans Brunner GmbH | Trifecta Foods, LLC |
Hanson Faso Sales & Marketing, Inc. | Turbo Systems, Inc. |
Haribo of America, Inc. | Union Confectionery Machinery Co.* |
Harold W. Young, Inc. | Varick Enterprises, Inc. |
Hawaiian Host Chocolates* | Venture Sales, LLC |
Henry Lambertz Inc. | Vidal Candies USA, INC. |
Hilliard’s Chocolate System* | Viscome Golick Martins Inc. |
Hillside Candy* | Vistar |
Hoffmann – Vogler | We Pack Logistics |
Hospitality Mints, LLC | Weber Logistics |
HotLix Candy | Whirley-DrinkWorks! |
Imaginings 3, Inc. | WILD Flavors, Inc. |
Impact Confections, Inc. | Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company |
Ingredion Incorporated | Wolfgang Candy Company* |
Integrity/ESM Mid Atlantic Food Marketing, Inc | World Confections, Inc. |
J Carroll & Associates | World’s Finest Chocolate, Inc. |
J.A. Gold Associates, Inc. | Yolo Candy |
Jel Sert Company* | YummyEarth Inc. |
Jelly Belly Candy Company* | Zucconi Idea Agency |
Thank you to our video presenters
R&D/Engineering: M&Ms/Mars
Maintenance: Ferrara Candy
Supply Chain/Procurement: Stuffed Puffs
Packaging: The Hershey Company
Food Safety & Quality: Barry Callebaut