The search engine which gets more than 40,000 search queries per second celebrates it’s 18th birthday today with a special birthday doodle. Read about Google’s doodles and other facts at this Independent UK article. Watch the internet live stats here! That’s 3.5 billion searches per day!...
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Social Media & Tech
Allured Fund applications due April 15th
There are many fine training opportunities in our industry this year to build your skills. The Allured Fund for Confectionery Education need-based grants provide financial help for industry members who wish to expand their food-science knowledge or confectionery skills through continuing education courses. Due dates are on the 15th of...
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Focus on lighting for great food photography

While lighting is a critical skill in photography in general, it's vital in food photography. Read the informative article by Peter Timko at Picture Correct....
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Mentors can help guide toward clearer business & career decisions

As business and career decisions become more complex with overlapping regulations, requirements and challenges, seek wisdom and guidance from several mentors. Author Minda Zetlin illustrates in this Inc Magazine article Why the Smartest Entrepreneurs Have Multiple Mentors. Her recommendations include: 1. Find a mentor for each area of expertise you...
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What’s the difference between efficient and effective?

Making your list and checking it twice? How do you determine the order of checking things off that list? In order of list or in priority measured against a greater goal? Check out Jeff Haden’s recommendations in this article on 9 essential habits of remarkably effective people....
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12 Instagram features to practice this holiday

Learn how to use Instagram filters, posts, perspective and photo fixes in this Mashable article. Some of these techniques could help your videos and food photography, too!...
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Managing time: push reset on your personal calendar
In 10 Ways to Stop Feeling Overworked and Overwhelmed, Jeff Haden gives practical time, goal-setting and workflow management guidelines to help build your career. Read the Inc. Magazine article and take control of your roles and time management rules....
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