Successfully handling risk is a measure of your contribution to your company. Lisa Shapiro our Sweets & Snacks 2015 Moderator for Managing through Change panel discussion is interviewed by Candy & Snack TODAY for the July/August 2015 issue.
Ms. Shapiro is Director, Cafe & Convenience, Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, LLC.
"Business, particularly this business, is never so black and white or clearly defined that you can avoid risks. In fact, if you’re not taking risks, you’re really not doing your job. Your company hired you to explore, to test, to try, and if you’re not doing that — and yes, perhaps sometimes failing in the process — then you’re just not contributing. We all have numbers to hit, but how you get to those numbers is up to you, and that process gives you and your team complete ownership. You’ll own your successes…"
Read the entire interview, pages 58-59 July/August 2015 issue.
Lisa Shapiro in Candy & Snack TODAY: Taking risks at work and in your career